Hello everyone, how are you all doing, hope everyone is cool, wow.. Aruwaab9ja is here again.
So yeah, lets get on with the business of today, got some replies from some of you guys that you aren't enjoying the current MTN Mpulse package to the fullest potential, now that isn't good at all because that's one of the coolest package right now. Isn't it... Sure yeah..
So I decided to pull something off.

Now let's ride on.......
Things you will need
A good 3G/4G Network
Kpn Tunnel . not Kpn Tunnel Rev.
Finch VPN.
After you must have downloaded the kpn Tunnel Above, open the app click on config and import file
Password for the file is
Now click on the airplane mode on the app and scroll down to Connection forwarder and select Global Proxy, go back to the main app and click on start.....
Create an account via the Finch VPN app when you open it after that just select any of the 3 servers set your connection to Udp or tcp -- port 1194 or 9201 for super speed and stability.. when you are done choosing your preferred server tap on connect or on the black box ...and wait for it to finalize it's connection.. now go back and start blazing your Mpulse package with complete freedom 

Note : make sure you are connected first on kpn tunnel via Global Proxy before proceeding to the finch VPN for finalization
When you are done, minimize both apps and start rocking that WhatsApp Calls... Skype calls + Hd videos..... streaming of Live matches...you name it all
Kindly comment below if you didn't get it.
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