Emmanuel A.K.A WHITE MAN is out with a jamming praise song for lovers of
good music.
I'M NOT TIRED OF PRAISING is a beautiful song with thanks to God Almighty
for His goodness.
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Twitter @iamwhiteman2001
Facebook Emmanuel Chiazor
Instagram @whitemanmusic
[email protected]
Download and be blessed...
Alle alle mama alle Jehovah emela.
Verse: I’m
not tired of praising I’m not tired of praising God.
Im not tired of
thanking im not tired of thanking God
Coz when I looked
around me and see what’ve you’ve done your blessings sufficient in my
When I looked around me and see what’ve you have done your
mercies overflow in my life.
Repeat Chorus: Alle alle alleeh mama
alle Jehovah emela.lets praise him let’s praise him
Come let’s
praise him, wave your hands onto most high God,
Verse 2: you’ve given me victory over disgrace over my case lord
you covered my shame you make me stronger I set my feet upon the rock that
can’t be move ..
Repeat (2*)
Iyeeh Chorus: Alleeh Alle alle alleeh
mama alle Jehovah Imela .
African will praise you lord , Nigeria
will praise you lord, agama ebuligi elu bu liegi Elu every body now let’s
praise him let’s praise him
When I looked around
me and see what’ve done your blessings sufficient in my life when I looked
around me and see what’ve done your mercies overflow in my life.
Chorus: Alleeh Alle alle alle mama alle Jehovah imela let’s praise him
let’s him alle mama alle alle alle Jehovah imela alle alle alle alle alle
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