Synopsis: Three boys who eventually became men, Bola Fash, Timi Johnson and Femi Allen the famous trio at St James Secondary school, are forced to face a twenty-year-old secret that threatens the order of their present lives and businesses. They are now forced to come to terms with years of secret agony and anxiety. As faith would have it, they come face to face with the lives they had ruined by their past misdeeds and injustice. In a world where they always must watch their backs with a heart-breaking revelation that will blow your minds away. In a story conceived & produced by Tosin Akintokun, directed by Marc Adebesin both UK based filmmakers.
’What Happened at St James’’ would hit the cinemas nationwide in Nigeria from the 19th November and UK Cinema on the 27th December 2021, with a cast line-up comprising of Zack Orji, Deyemi Okolanwo, Femi Branch, Bolaji Ogunmola, Kelechi Udegbe and many more.
” What Happened At St James is a story inspired by events which shaped my life as I was growing up. My mother was a teacher for many years and she would often tell me stories about various circumstances relating to her students. I often wondered if they were real life stories due to the bizarre natures of the tales. I developed What Happened at St James after one of many stories.
After my mother’s death, I started to think about the best way to remember her . What Happened at St James is a story that will resonate with both the young and the old. My mother sacrificed so much for her students and she believed in the ability of every child. What Happened at St James is dedicated to her memory? “A film specially dedicated to the loving memory of my mom, Gbonjubola Abimbola Fafowora who as a teacher, sacrificed so much for her students and to all the victims of sexual abuse. Silence is no longer an option.” - Producer: Tosin Akintokun
“When I got the script, it was evident that the story did not hold anything back, the dialogues were quite engaging till the very end where the unexpected hits you right in the face, I knew this was a deep story that needed a lot of attention to detail.“- Director: Marc Adebesin
What Happened At St James? will premiers in London U.K on the 27th December 2021 at the Odeon Cinema Greenwich , London .
Red Carpet 7pm
The producer Tosin Akintokun and Director Marc Adebesin would be attending the London Grand premier.
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